Baptismal Forms - Remey #305: Baptismal Certificate. Size 5" x 7" - without notification on back. Pad of 50
Top line reads “Baptismal Certificate”
Underneath reads “CHURCH OF”
Underneath is two lines for the church name
Underneath is “Name ___________________”
Underneath is “Child of __________________
And _____________________”
Underneath is “Born __________ ________” (thinking this second line is for the year)
Underneath is “City ___________ State______________
Underneath is “was Baptized ___________________________ _________ (again, second line for year?)
Underneath reads “According to the Rite of the Roman Catholic Church”
Underneath is “By Rev. ________________________________
Underneath is ____________________________________
Sponsors { ____________________________________
Underneath is “As appears from the Baptismal Register of this Church”
Underneath is “Dated ______________________________
Underneath is Rev. __________________________________________