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Stations of the Cross Relief Set | 2 Sizes | Fiberglass | 1349 | Crafted In Italy

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Each of the relief plaques of this Stations of the Cross set features Our Lord with one other person, perhaps a reminder that we are all in individual relationship with Christ.  The images all give a sense of intimacy, a deep awareness of Christ's experience.  Scroll over the images at the left to view this set in detail.  Each fourteen reliefs comes with a small cross with a bar attached at its base and a Roman numeral indicating the number of the station.

Each of the stations is produced by hand from the artisans of the Demetz studio in Italy.  Because this Stations of the Cross set is crafted to order and therefore unique, it may differ slightly from the images in shape, color or texture.

The Stations of the Cross set is available in fiberglass or hand-carve linden wood and two size options.  Once you select your material using the drop-down menus below, your finish options will appear. Make your choices from the drop-down menus below to calculate the price and place your order.

This set of Stations of the Cross is also available in high-quality Carrara marble or bronze.  Please contact us for pricing or if you have additional questions.  Our toll free number is 1(800)331-4117.

Stations of the Cross Set Details:

  • 14 Stations
  • Hand-Crafted In Italy
  • Materials Available: Fiberglass or Linden Wood *
  • Sizes Available: Inches *
    • 9" x 4-1/2"
    • 16" x 9"
  • Finishes Available: Bronze, Color, Natural, Stain or White Marble *

Because this item is imported from Italy for the F.C. Ziegler Company, it is subject to appropriate declaration, duties and taxes required by U.S. Customs.  To ensure you are appropriately charged, or exempt, please provide your organization’s FEI number in the comments portion of your order.  Actual item may differ slightly from image.

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