Keep the thurible, incense boat and aspersorium ready at the altar of your church with this beautiful stand. The stand is available from the F.C. Ziegler Company in bronze or brass. Choose from a high polish or satin finish. A small shelf at the top of the stand is designed to hold the incense boat while a slightly larger shelf on the shaft can hold an aspersorium with Holy Water. Two hooks provide support for the thurible. The square base is embellished with fleur-de-lis emblems. The stand measures fifty-one inches high and the base measures nine inches square.
This stand is available from the artisans of Excelsis, producers of fine metalware here in the United States, since 1935. Because each piece is crafted to order, a restocking fee will be assessed on cancelled orders and returned items. This item is customizable. Please contact us a 1(800)331-4117 for assistance.
Thurible & Incense Boat Stand Details:
- Bronze or Brass *
- High Polish or Satin Finish *
- 2 Shelves
- 2 Hooks
- Height: 51"
- Base: 9" Square
- Made In USA
- Fixed Shipping Rate Applied
- The first photo features Bronze, while the second showcases Brass.
Learn more about the fine Excelsis Progressive Bronze product line by clicking here!