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Treasury of Catholic Meditations | Paperback Books | 4 Volume Set | 9781622822058

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Presented by some of the Church's greatest theologians, these meditations will teach you to be ever attentive to the presence of God in you, to remember that He wants you to be a saint, and that He stands ever ready to help you attain that lofty goal.

Meditations for Advent will keep you prayerful amidst the worst distractions of the holiday season. Here 17th Century French Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet will daily draw you closer to Jesus. On Christmas Day, you'll find yourself stepping lightly into church, ready and eager to adore the newborn King.

Meditations for Lent features fifty brief but remarkably powerful meditations by Bishop Bossuet that lift you to God and help you enter into the spirit of mortification called for by the Church during the Season of Lent.

Meditations Before Mass is a Catholic classic by Msgr. Romano Guardini and offers practical, straightforward advice that will help you overcome distractions and restlessness during Mass, and thus opening to you the incomparable swell of graces that Our Lord is ever impatient to give you through the Eucharist.

Everyday Meditations will help you discern God's voice daily, rest in it, and respond to it according to each day's opportunities and needs. These are Bl. John Henry Newman's most moving Christian meditations, each guaranteed to enkindle in your soul the very same love they enkindled in his. As they nurtured Newman's daily acts of conversion and finally made him worthy of the title "Blessed," so will they call you to daily acts of conversion and finally lead you, as they led Newman, "to bow down in awe before the depths of God's love."

Treasury of Catholic Meditations Book Details: 

  • Four Volume Set 
  • Authors: John Henry Newman, Bishop Jadques-Bénigne Bossuet, Fr. Romano Guardini 
  • Binding: Paperback 
  • 816 Pages 
  • ISBN: 9781622822058 
  • 5" x 2-1/2" x 7”
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